Friday, May 4, 2012

Random & Interesting Facts About Meerkats... Complete with a quiz!

I thought it would be cool to do a post on facts about meerakts that most people don't know. So, here it goes! I'm also including a fun little quiz at the end for everyone to try! Answers will come with the next post :)

-Meerkats only have four toes.
-A male meerkat weighs on average only 1.5 pounds, females typically weigh around 1 or less
-Meerkats use their tails to balance. Their tails can be up to 9 inches long, almost as long as their body!
-If it is cold or rainy outside, meerkats will stay in their burrows and wait out the storm, hunting later in the day instead of the morning.
-Meerkats have ears that can open and close in order to protect them from getting dirt in their ears when they dig burrows.

-A meerkat's average life span is 12-14 years.
-Meerkats can eat scorpions because they are immune to their venom.

-Their is an extremely successful show in England starting an animated meerkat. (Kind of like the Geico Gecko!)

Meerkat Quiz:
Go here to try out the quiz!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is so cool that meerkats can open and close their ears to protect themselves while they dig! I wonder if they have always been able to do that or if it is a characteristic that has evolved over the years. I would assume it is something that has evolved, since that seems like a very unique trait to have from the very beginning!
